26. Februar 2016 Upstart Team 03.09.16 – Mixing & Mastering (English) I would like to enroll to the following course: Mixing & Mastering (English) Kursdatum: 03.09. - 04.09.2016 First name* Surname* E-Mail* [hidden Status/bez. " "] Street + number* Zip code* City* Phone or mobil number* Birthday: How did you find out about UPSTART? ---ableton.com - WebseiteFacebookEmpfehlungGoogleBeatKeysDelamarForenMusotalkYoutubeFlyerAndere Yes, please send me the monthly UPSTART newsletter. Please accept Terms And Conditions.: Yes, I accept the Course Agreement Terms and Conditions and the notice about protection of data privacy. Fields marked with asterisk (*) are mandatory.